Traditional versus Mechanical Keyboards

July 28, 2021


Keyboards are a crucial tool when it comes to computing. Whether you are typing up reports, coding, or gaming, the type of keyboard you use can make a world of difference in terms of speed, accuracy, and even comfort. In this blog post, we will compare traditional (membrane) keyboards with mechanical keyboards, discussing the pros and cons of each, and helping you decide which one to pick.

Membrane Keyboards

Traditional, or membrane, keyboards are the ones you can find in most offices or schools - they are the most common type of keyboard. They use a flexible membrane layer with rubber domes to complete circuits when keys are pressed, sending input to a computer. These keyboards can be quiet, slim and cheap, but they do come with their own set of drawbacks.


  • Affordable
  • Lightweight and slim design


  • Mushy feeling keys
  • Keys can get stuck and produce incorrect input
  • Short lifespan compared to mechanical keyboards
  • No tactile feedback

Mechanical Keyboards

Mechanical keyboards, on the other hand, are built to last. They utilize physical switches underneath each keycap that register input by the way of metal contacts, giving them a longer lifespan and a satisfying tactile response with each keypress.


  • Longer lifespan - mechanical keyboards can last up to 50 million keystrokes.
  • Tactile feedback - you can feel the actuation force underneath your fingers and know that your input was registered.
  • Variety of key switch types to choose from - you can select from many different types of switches, each with different tactile and audible feedback.


  • Loud - mechanical keyboards can often be louder than traditional ones, which can be a problem in office environments.
  • More expensive - mechanical keyboards usually come at a higher price point than membrane keyboards.
  • Heavier and bulkier design.


The choice between a traditional keyboard or mechanical keyboard depends entirely on your individual needs. If you're on a budget and don't need all the bells and whistles, a traditional keyboard might be the best choice. However, if you find yourself typing for hours on end, or enjoy the tactile feedback, a mechanical keyboard is worth investing in.


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